Basic Evmos Methods
BVM Network supports a variety of Ethereum's JSON-RPC methods, with some adjustments:
eth_protocolVersion: Returns 1 by default, indicating the protocol version.
eth_syncing: Provides an object with synchronization status or false if not syncing.
eth_hashrate: Always returns "0x0", as mining is not applicable.
eth_coinbase: Returns the latest block author, not necessarily a finalized block.
eth_mining: Returns false, indicating mining is not supported.
eth_chainId: Provides the chain ID used for signing transactions at the current block.
eth_gasPrice: Returns the base fee per gas unit, the minimum gas price for transactions.
eth_accounts: Lists addresses owned by the client.
eth_blockNumber: Gives the highest block number available.
eth_getBalance, eth_getStorageAt, eth_getBlockByHash, eth_getBlockByNumber, eth_getTransactionCount, eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash, eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber: Offer respective Ethereum API functionalities.
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash and eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber: Return "0x0" by default, indicating lack of uncles support.
eth_getCode, eth_sendTransaction, eth_sendRawTransaction, eth_call, eth_estimateGas, eth_feeHistory: Function as per Ethereum API, adjusted for BVM’s context.
eth_getTransactionByHash, eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex, eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex, eth_getTransactionReceipt: Provide transaction and receipt details, including EIP-1559 fields where applicable.
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex and eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex: Return null by default.
eth_getLogs: Returns log arrays matching specified filters.
eth_getWork: Returns ["0x0","0x0","0x0"] by default, indicating no mining work.
eth_submitWork and eth_submitHashrate: Not supported on BVM.
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